ස්වයං ආරක්ෂක කුසලතා වැඩිදියුණු කරගැනීම සඳහා වන උපදෙස් පත්රිකා
වසරෙන් අඩක් නිමවීමටත් පෙරම 2022 වර්ෂය ශ්රී ලංකාවට මහත් අභියෝගාත්මක වසරක් බවට පත්විය. පසුගිය මාර්තු මාසයේ අග සිට රට පුරා හටගත් අඛණ්ඩ විරෝධතා රැල්ලක් සමඟ මාධ්ය සමාජයට තම දෛනික වාර්තාකරණය දැඩි වෙනසකට ලක්වූ බව වටහා ගත හැකි විය. මාධ්ය සමාජයට නවතම අවදානම් ගතිකයන්ට මුහුණදීමට සිදුවූ…
Another instance of the abuse and misuse of the legal system highlighted by Azath Salley’s verdict – Free Media Movement
Media Release 2021.12.07 Another instance of the abuse and misuse of the legal system highlighted by Azath Salley’s verdict – Free Media Movement The Free Media Movement recognizes that the acquittal of Azath Salley, arrested and imprisoned until the completion of the judicial process for…
2021.12.27 Media release Journalist Manjula Samarasekara suspended – Free Media Movement calls on Minister of Mass Media and Information Dullas Allahaperuma to take immediate action. The Director of Human Resources at Lake House has informed through a letter dated 25/11/2021 that Manjula Samarasekara, the…
Keerthi Ratnayake: Regarding the arrest and interrogation of journalists!
2021-08-24 Mr. Chandana Wickramaratne, Inspector-General of Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo. Dear Inspector General of Police, Regarding the arrest and interrogation of journalists! The editorial board of the Lanka e-News website has informed us of the arrest and detention of Keerthi Ratnayake, a journalist of their…
Providing relief to Afghanistan journalists seeking asylum
September 6, 2021 Hon. Dullas Alahapperuma Minister of Mass Media, No. 163, Asi Disi Medura, (Ministry of Mass Media) Kirulapone Mawatha, Polhengoda, Colombo 05 Hon. G.L. Peiris, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic Building, Sir Baron Jayatilake Mawatha, Colombo 01. Dear…
Unlawful arrest of protesters is a violation of freedom of speech and expression –
Media release 7th August 2021 Unlawful arrest of protesters is a violation of freedom of speech and expression – Free Media Movement. The Free Media Movement strongly condemns the unlawful means undertaken by the police to arrest leaders of organizations and trade unions who have…
2021 මැයි 03 ලෝක ජනමාධ්ය නිදහස් දිනය
2020 වර්ෂය සඳහා නිදහස් මාධ්ය ව්යාපාරය විසින් පළ කර ඇති මාධ්ය නිදහස පිළිබඳ වාර්ෂික වාර්තාව මැයි 03 ලෝක ජනමාධ්ය නිදහස් දිනයේදි මහජනයා සඳහා හඳුන්වා දෙනු ලැබින. ශ්රී ලංකාව වැනි රටවල මාධ්ය නිදහස සහ ප්රජාතන්ත්රවාදය පිළිබඳ තක්සේරු කිරීමේ දි දැනට ජාත්යන්තර සංවිධාන විසින් අනුගමනය කරන ක්රමවේදය…
The cacophony of protests at a VVIP convoy-Depriving the right to a peaceful protest is depriving the right to freedom of speech and expression. -Media Organizations Collective
2020-05-01 Press release Depriving the right to a peaceful protest is depriving the right to freedom of speech and expression. -Media Organizations Collective The media reports this morning (30) stated that a youth from the Battaramulla area who had led a peaceful protest against public…
The new legislation being drafted to curb false and misleading online posts on social media platforms could be detrimental to the freedom of expression
The Free Media Movement is deeply concerned about the right to the Freedom of Expression and Media Freedom that could be severely compromised with the new legislation that the Cabinet has requested the Legal Draftsman to come up with to curtail what the Government terms…